Unfortunately during the summer season having insects in our PLNTS is much more common than usual, due to the warm weather there are lots of bugs which like to burrow into the soil or get settled on the plants.
We highly recommend to separate the plants infected from your other plants and to give it a good rinse and/or to replace the soil. You can also treat the plant with neem oil or a different insecticide.
Most common plant pests:
You can identify aphids by looking for stunted or misshapen leaves, they love to hide on the underside of the leaves so don't forget to look there! Usually you can get rid of aphids by spraying or wiping the plant with a solution of water and drops of dish soap, it should be applied to the plant every other day for 2 weeks.
Thrips suck plant cells from your housePLNTS and because of this you can recognize thrips by the damage that they cause, which include streaks, speckling (mostly silver) en white patches. Although thrips are hard to get rid of, it is not impossible. As soon as you see damage use a mild insecticide like neem oil or wash the plant with a soap and water solution.
If you want more information about bugs and how to prevent/get rid of them, read our blog here: Who let the bugs out?